We are avid PucaTraders! This page is designed to help encourage people to trade! Each active individual grows the community that much more. Help your fellow gamers collect, and build the decks they need for their Magic the Gathering experience.
We would like to point out two things for this page. First, we have included a Foreign Exchange component to try and help you translate your PucaPoints from PucaTrade into a local currency. The second piece, is a map with flags on where we have sent trades.
If you are new to PucaTrade we would love if you used our referral!
Assumption 1 USD = 100 PucaPoints, the following Foreign Exchange table will provide close currency rates for PucaPoints. (I.E. 1 USD = 1.25 CAD then 100 pucapoints = 1.25 CAD or 1 USD = 1.08 EUR then 1/1.08 = .93 or 1 EUR = 93 PucaPoints)
***Keep in mind Quoting Conventions***
Here are locations that we have made trades with. Happy Trading!
We wanted to provide the community with an interactive map for which we have sent trades! We feel that the visual adds a different view along with PucaTrade in showing how vast the Magic the Gathering Community is. We strongly advocate for players to participate on PucaTrade and help grow the community on PucaTrade.